Welcome to Into Balance Therapies
Ormskirk, Lancashire
Helping those who believe their health
and well-being can be better
Would you like better sleep, more energy and less discomfort in your body?
Do you want better for your well-being but don’t know where to get it?
Are you curious about how complementary therapy could support you in your health and wellbeing?
The ways I can help you
Pain Management & Conditions
Back pain & Sciatica
Digestive Disorders
Headaches & Migraines
Dizziness and Vertigo
Sinus and Jaw pain
Joint pain
Women's Health
Symptoms of Menopause
Menstrual issues
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Chronic Fatigue / Fibromyalgia
Relaxation & Wellbeing
Improve sleep
Increase energy levels
Ease muscular tension
Lift mood
Feeling less stressed and anxious
Improve sense of wellbeing
Welcome to Into Balance Therapies
Hello! I’m Jay and I’ve been delivering complementary therapies since 2017.
I think our bodies are incredible and have an amazing capacity to repair, heal and support health given the right environment.
However, the physical and emotional stresses of our current lives can challenge our body’s capacity to maintain health and vitality, which can lead to symptoms of physical and emotional discomfort.
Our bodies are so much more than the sum of our parts. The treatments I offer work with the body’s ‘inner wisdom’ to listen to and give your body the support it needs to facilitate the change it’s requesting for reduced pain and discomfort.
This helps us to get to the cause of the issues rather than managing the symptoms.
Working with me could be for you if:
You are fed up experiencing pain and discomfort in your body
You’ve tried lots of conventional approaches but haven’t experienced a change or the symptoms have returned
You’ve been for tests and they’ve come back normal but you just don’t feel right within yourself
You are tired of not feeling like yourself and it’s starting to have an impact on your life and/or the lives of others.
You’ve been lead to believe that you just need to ‘live with it’.
You want more support for an ongoing health condition.
You want another approach to supporting your condition other than medication.
You are open and curious to see in what other ways you can improve upon the support you are receiving from conventional treatment.
You are prepared to allow your body to take the lead for lasting change. No quick fixes.
Please note that these treatments are not a substitute for medical care. Information is not intended as medical advice and should not be used for medical diagnosis. Please contact your healthcare provider if you have any concerns about your health.